41.   It was unclear whether the United States could expel the diplomat if Iraq challenges the request.

42.   Lee hoped that the agreement would resolve a diplomatic row which began early this month when each country expelled one diplomat on charges of spying.

43.   Lee hoped the agreement would resolve a diplomatic row that began early this month when each country expelled one diplomat on charges of spying.

44.   McCurry was asked if the United States would retaliate by expelling Chinese diplomats but avoided answering.

45.   Moscow has retaliated by ordering U.S. diplomats expelled from its country as well.

46.   One Iraqi diplomat was expelled Friday, sources said.

47.   Russia and Britain conducted intensive negotiations to defuse their Cold War-style spy dispute Wednesday amid signs Moscow might back away from its threat to expel nine diplomats.

48.   Russia and Britain later expelled four diplomats each.

49.   Relations between the two countries soured when Belarus expelled two Turkish diplomats in connection with an espionage case last year.

50.   Reppas declined to say which Turkish diplomat would be expelled, but sources indicated it would be someone serving at the Turkish consulate in the northern city of Kommotini.

v. + diplomat >>共 260
say 21.47%
expel 5.75%
include 4.09%
quote 3.12%
kill 2.91%
send 2.15%
identify 2.08%
recall 1.94%
name 1.87%
shoot 1.66%
expel + n. >>共 305
member 8.78%
diplomat 6.39%
student 4.55%
refugee 2.62%
thousand 2.39%
foreigner 2.31%
worker 2.00%
people 1.93%
immigrant 1.85%
journalist 1.85%
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