41.   The trips, especially to more exotic locales like Southeast Asia and Africa, have become the summer thing to do, according to the students in St. Lucia.

42.   These documentaries offer valuable, rudimentary lessons about this terrible, exciting moment in history whose exotic locale has always given it a weird romantic spin.

43.   They blame the people who abandoned the Catskills for Atlantic City or more exotic locales.

44.   They put the product through its paces in exotic locales like Botswana, Kenya and Tanzania.

45.   They vacation in exotic locales, where they hobnob with celebrities.

46.   They are after more exotic derivatives that get placed in more exotic locales.

47.   Think about exotic locales.

48.   This month, the company launches a magazine offering travel tips and features about exotic locales.

49.   They were hand-printed with colorful flowers, mythic animals, exotic locales and scenes.

50.   Travelers would sail by yacht to exotic locales, accompanied by ocean scientists and environmentalists.

a. + locale >>共 150
exotic 21.05%
remote 3.95%
distant 3.62%
new 3.29%
far-flung 2.96%
different 2.63%
same 1.97%
offshore 1.64%
perfect 1.32%
exact 0.99%
exotic + n. >>共 636
animal 4.23%
locale 3.34%
bird 3.23%
place 3.13%
plant 2.61%
dancer 2.50%
species 2.14%
pet 1.62%
fruit 1.62%
destination 1.56%
每页显示:    共 64