41.   Politically, bills with such multiple parentage and wide support provide an escape hatch from blame.

42.   Russian television said one body had already been found near an escape hatch.

43.   Russian rescue teams made several more unsuccessful efforts on Thursday to try to lock onto a rear escape hatch of the Kursk.

44.   Secretary of Health and Human Services Donna Shalala has given Clinton an escape hatch if he needs one.

45.   That is why White House policy wonks are now focusing on hybrid plans that limit greenhouse gas emissions, yet provide an escape hatch.

46.   TEDs stands for Turtle Excluder Devices, which must be sewn into fishing nets to provide escape hatches for sea turtles swept up in shrimp trawls.

47.   The commission also provided an escape hatch for utilities saddled with nuclear power plants that may no longer be competitive.

48.   The committee was lobbied to include an escape hatch, in the form of a voucher, for students in failing schools that accept Title I money.

49.   The Chinese may give the president an escape hatch, however.

50.   The end of the rescue operation Monday followed a day of fruitless attempts to open the rear escape hatch on the Kursk.

n. + hatch >>共 62
escape 42.86%
rear 16.45%
airlock 3.03%
egg 2.60%
cargo 2.60%
roof 2.16%
access 1.30%
mayfly 1.30%
rescue 1.30%
baby 0.87%
escape + n. >>共 120
route 33.74%
attempt 17.59%
hatch 10.12%
capsule 5.62%
plan 3.89%
tunnel 1.74%
bid 1.64%
valve 1.33%
charge 1.33%
vehicle 1.12%
每页显示:    共 98