41.   Hezbollah and Lebanon say the Israeli planes frequently enter Lebanese airspace.

42.   Iran on Wednesday protested in a letter to U.N. Secretary-General Boutros Boutros-Ghali that U.S. fighters had entered Iranian airspace over two strategic sites.

43.   Iraq has threatened to shoot down U.S.-piloted planes that enter Iraqi airspace.

44.   Iraqi President Saddam Hussein has vowed to fight allied planes entering Iraqi airspace, saying the no-fly zones violate international law.

45.   It entered base airspace, descended slightly and left one minute later without making any threatening moves, he said.

46.   Japan protested that Russian planes entered its airspace, which the Russian military denied.

47.   Last week, Malaysia revoked the long-standing agreement allowing all Singapore military aircraft to enter its airspace while in transit or on search and rescue missions.

48.   Libya unexpectedly revoked permission to enter its airspace, but the situation was resolved shortly before the three-man crew flew over the country on Saturday.

49.   Malaysia revoked a longstanding agreement last month that had allowed Singapore military planes to enter its airspace without specific prior approval for transit or search and rescue operations.

50.   Malaysia Thursday banned Singapore Air Force planes from entering its airspace.

v. + airspace >>共 52
violate 28.71%
enter 19.20%
use 14.36%
open 4.84%
close 4.34%
cross 3.84%
leave 2.67%
penetrate 2.00%
control 1.84%
offer 1.84%
enter + n. >>共 811
country 5.79%
plea 4.74%
game 3.51%
market 3.16%
building 2.54%
race 2.41%
room 2.11%
area 1.71%
house 1.52%
politics 1.48%
airspace 0.64%
每页显示:    共 114