41.   Volatile fatty acids, are produced by bacterial degradation of non-absorbed dietary carbohydrate and are rapidly absorbed by the colon, where they constitute a significant energy source.

42.   Both can be used singly, as a combined energy source, or in any sequence, to provide the ideal environment for varying food types.

43.   Alternative energy sources like wind and solar power will receive substantial support for research and development.

44.   It would pay for time on military computers and research on alternative energy sources and methods of cleaning polluted soil and water.

45.   Practical measures recommended by the new report include improving energy efficiency, using more natural gas and renewable energy sources like wind and wave power.

46.   Democrat policy on energy includes plans for the development of alternative energy sources and a reduction in dependence on imported oil.

47.   The Californian authorities have announced the first form of public transport to be powered by alternative energy sources.

48.   The production of renewable energy sources should also be promoted through grants, soft loans and fiscal incentives, the report concluded.

49.   Attention should be focused on developing renewable energy sources, he said.

50.   It also criticized the electricity companies for failing to take the lead in developing alternative energy sources.

n. + source >>共 488
police 14.02%
security 12.82%
government 9.35%
energy 4.29%
industry 4.19%
hospital 3.75%
intelligence 2.77%
water 2.57%
ministry 2.52%
power 2.26%
energy + n. >>共 709
company 6.86%
price 6.67%
source 4.29%
crisis 3.58%
cost 3.53%
policy 3.42%
sector 2.49%
efficiency 2.21%
industry 2.15%
bill 2.05%
每页显示:    共 377