41.   The meeting follows the summit of industrialized nations in Denver, where European allies chastised their American host for not committing to emissions targets.

42.   The major contentious issues surround U.S.-sponsored proposals that involve ways to meet the emission reduction targets with alternatives to scaling back the burning of fossil fuels.

43.   The number of gases that are considered, for example, determines partly how easily the Europeans and the United States can achieve their emission targets.

44.   The United States, Europe and Japan are at odds over gas emission reduction targets, which experts say are needed to check global warming.

45.   The US and other developed countries may find that meeting their emission targets is much easier than the industrial doomsayers have forecast.

46.   There is also a very good chance that some developing countries will sign up for binding emission targets, thus easing the fears of the US.

47.   They maintain too much flexibility would all the United States to meet its emission reduction targets without having to actually reducing significant amounts of pollution.

48.   This umbrella group is to further reduce compliance costs for those with emission reduction targets.

49.   Hashimoto said emission targets should be effective in terms of preventing global warming but fair and reasonable to the countries concerned.

50.   However most industrialised states are overshooting their current emissions targets, the United States by the most.

n. + target >>共 472
inflation 4.52%
growth 4.20%
deficit 4.15%
guerrilla 4.01%
acquisition 3.97%
government 3.79%
reduction 3.33%
budget 2.51%
emission 2.37%
price 2.24%
emission + n. >>共 106
standard 13.82%
test 9.98%
reduction 8.91%
control 7.99%
target 7.99%
cut 5.22%
credit 3.69%
level 3.53%
limit 2.46%
system 2.00%
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