41.   No one was injured in the Wednesday night attack and damage was limited to one window and two wall panels on the eighth floor.

42.   On the eighth floor of a Moscow high-rise, the phenom answers her doorbell in the midst of a coughing fit.

43.   The couple went to the rooftop by taking a stairway from the eighth floor.

44.   The height of the eighth floor had worried him and he could not sleep well.

45.   The security guards on the eighth floor of the building where NTV is located were abruptly changed.

46.   The Time Warner studios will be housed behind a glass facade on the eighth floor, above a retail gallery, with other offices on lower floors.

47.   There had been no warning of the attack, which shattered a window and two wall panels on the eighth floor, Fry said.

48.   Two people jumped to their deaths from the eighth floor of a burning apartment building Saturday as people below attempted to catch them in a blanket.

49.   Firefighters also moved in to battle the blaze from the ground but their hoses could only reach the eighth floor.

50.   Further tragedy was apparently only narrowly avoided, as the hoses of firefighters moving into battle the blaze from the ground reached only the eighth floor.

a. + floor >>共 769
second 13.79%
top 7.61%
third 5.71%
upper 5.61%
trading 4.81%
concrete 4.26%
fourth 3.27%
wood 2.34%
marble 2.12%
fifth 1.89%
eighth 0.90%
eighth + n. >>共 425
inning 22.34%
grade 6.52%
game 5.47%
time 4.52%
round 4.03%
place 3.74%
save 2.87%
day 2.71%
minute 2.47%
year 2.34%
floor 1.20%
每页显示:    共 54