41.   Civil Guard Commander Jose Ramon Pindado and Colonel Francisco Quintero were each sentenced to eight years of prison on charges that included drug trafficking, state television reported.

42.   Court documents accused Natale of orchestrating a racketeering conspiracy that included murder, extortion, illegal gambling, drug trafficking, stolen cars, loan sharking and other crimes.

43.   Crimes involving abductions, drug trafficking, and weapons and ammunition theft were also up.

44.   Critics charged that drug trafficking, torture and extortion were common in prisons operated by Castellanos in the Islas Marias and in Tamaulipas state prior to his appointment here.

45.   Drug trafficking, car theft and smuggling of cigarettes, illegal immigrants and even nuclear material has increased.

46.   Ecuadoreans fear the conflict could spill across the border in the form of rebel activity, drug trafficking or refugees fleeing the war and have reinforced the border.

47.   Ecuadoreans fear the conflict could spill across the border in the form of rebel activity, drug trafficking or refugees fleeing the war.

48.   Estrada pledged to intensify efforts against corruption, poverty and crimes, specifically drug trafficking.

49.   Fernandez, the Dominican leader, has worked closely with Washington on trade, drug trafficking and money laundering issues but criticized the U.S. embargo of Cuba.

50.   FBI Director Louis Freeh met with his Russian counterpart Tuesday and discussed cooperation in fighting international organized crime, terrorism and drug trafficking, a Russian news agency said.

n. + traffic >>共 73
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arm 6.69%
narcotic 3.35%
charge 1.12%
company 1.12%
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drug + v. >>共 520
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traffic 2.96%
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