41.   His doctor had told him to prepare himself for surgery.

42.   The doctor told me not to mention dieting to her in case she took it to the extreme.

43.   Doctors will tell you that pregnancy is the only sure test for fertility.

44.   Doctors have told Benny to slim down.

45.   My doctor told me to avoid greasy food.

46.   My doctor told me to avoid fatty things like donuts and potato chips.

47.   The doctor told me to eat more bran because it is a good source of fiber.

48.   The doctor told me I was slightly anemic.

49.   The doctor told her that her stomach problems were psychosomatic.

50.   The doctor told her she was mad.

n. + tell >>共 865
official 8.80%
doctor 3.94%
source 3.43%
witness 2.86%
police 1.91%
spokesman 1.86%
man 1.65%
people 1.38%
friend 1.38%
time 1.31%
doctor + v. >>共 546
say 19.87%
be 7.05%
tell 4.33%
have 2.64%
prescribe 1.68%
give 1.52%
find 1.52%
recommend 1.30%
use 1.18%
advise 1.17%
每页显示:    共 883