41.   Most have three-tiered organizations, requiring licensed producers to distribute through licensed wholesalers who only sell to licensed retailers.

42.   Most of the voice mailboxes, the coalition says, will be distributed through an assortment of New York agencies.

43.   Myat said medicine was bought in bulk and distributed through a network of pharmacies and hospitals.

44.   Most of the seafood sold at retail stores and served in restaurants in the region is distributed through the market.

45.   No substance that is addicting, dangerous if overdosed or damaging to health when used normally should be freely marketed to the public or distributed through normal channels.

46.   Notice of the sale was distributed through the alumni clubs of the applicable institutions, says New York magazine.

47.   Once in the United States, the equipment was distributed through several chains of spy stores from coast to coast, federal agents said.

48.   Payments for food stamps, medical care and child care assistance would be turned into a single cash grant that would be distributed through the labor agency.

49.   Qualifying cars must show a special decal, which will be distributed through the Department of Motor Vehicles.

50.   Remaining foreign aid money is distributed through international development banks, US trade and development agencies and the United Nations.

v. + through >>共 930
continue 3.35%
work 2.78%
make 2.76%
cut 2.67%
spread 2.40%
push 1.57%
suffer 1.38%
last 1.12%
play 1.11%
sell 1.09%
distribute 0.36%
distribute + p. >>共 53
in 35.94%
through 9.07%
at 7.45%
on 7.10%
throughout 5.70%
around 3.66%
for 3.38%
by 3.31%
across 3.16%
as 3.09%
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