41.   The latest dispute centers around a plan that would allow judges to sentence second-time, nonviolent felons to drug-treatment programs instead of prison terms.

42.   The political and legal disputes center on a gambling compact that Gov. Pete Wilson made with one tribe in March.

43.   Today the disputes center largely on territorial rights in the Aegean Sea and the division of Cyprus.

44.   Other disputes center on banana imports and an EU tax on wheat import.

45.   Another dispute centers on the admission of new EU members from eastern Europe and elsewhere.

46.   Another dispute centered on the positioning of government forces and the opening of roads on Mount Igman southwest of Sarajevo.

47.   Disputes center on Burma and Indonesian rule over East Timor.

48.   Disputes center on the top tax rate for individuals and a government proposal to raise the value-added tax on sales to make up some lost tax revenue.

49.   He said the dispute centered around Ramallah, near Jerusalem, where the Palestinian Authority hoped to set up headquarters.

50.   In Singapore, the dispute has centered on a paragraph on labor in the final declaration that would sum up the results of the ministerial conference Friday.

n. + center >>共 396
dispute 6.25%
talk 5.41%
speculation 5.10%
debate 4.65%
discussion 3.05%
case 2.74%
investigation 2.59%
concern 1.75%
question 1.60%
story 1.29%
dispute + v. >>共 408
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arise 3.45%
involve 2.49%
have 2.19%
center 2.07%
erupt 1.84%
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