41.   Campbell held back tears as she displayed photographs of people she met in Kabul, who said their relatives were killed and houses damaged by bombs.

42.   Coffey displayed a photograph of Spargo among the demonstrators.

43.   Displaying gruesome photographs of chopped body parts, prosecutors on Monday laid the grounds to seek the trial of a Briton charged with dismembering a South African tourist.

44.   Displaying gruesome photographs of chopped body parts, prosecutors on Monday laid grounds to seek the trial of a Briton charged with dismembering a South African tourist here.

45.   During his two-hour opening remarks, prosecutor William Welch displayed photographs of the patients on several oversized TV monitors around the courtroom.

46.   Enlarged photographs were displayed depicting children the demonstrators said were killed or injured in the eight months of violence and counterviolence.

47.   Foreign Secretary Jack Straw sought the explanation after British newspapers and television prominently displayed the photographs, released by the U.S. Department of Defense on Friday.

48.   He later consulted with museums around the world on standards for storing and displaying old photographs.

49.   His photographs are displayed in car windows and on the walls of offices, shops and homes.

50.   It displays his photograph, manipulated to show blood running from a bullet hole in his forehead.

v. + photograph >>共 357
take 20.82%
show 4.48%
publish 4.37%
include 3.61%
have 3.34%
use 3.04%
display 2.77%
release 2.74%
see 2.74%
carry 2.58%
display + n. >>共 1287
photograph 1.75%
picture 1.72%
flag 1.67%
sign 1.63%
information 1.53%
image 1.51%
emotion 1.22%
message 1.17%
skill 1.10%
talent 1.05%
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