41.   The worldwide trade embargo against Iraq has gotten Saddam to take some steps toward destroying his weapons of mass destruction, although not as much as Washington wants.

42.   They further pledge to destroy the weapons they possess, along with all factories to produce them.

43.   They promise to destroy the weapons they possess, along with all equipment to produce them.

44.   Under the agreement, either side can get weapons if it first destroys enough weapons to bring its army under the limits set in the arms reduction agreement.

45.   UNSCOM told the Iraqis that they had until Saturday to allow it to destroy the weapons before the matter was brought to the Security Council to force compliance.

46.   While Iraq claimed it destroyed those weapons, U.N. weapons officials expressed skepticism.

47.   While the orders from London and Washington are to destroy those weapons that threaten the planes, the toll in lost Iraqi lives continues to climb.

48.   Pardew said the U.S. government had long urged Bulgaria to destroy the weapons.

49.   According to Security Council resolutions, the sanctions can be lifted only after U.N. weapons inspectors certify that Iraq had destroyed its weapons of mass destruction programs.

50.   After a U.S.-led coalition drove the Iraqis from Kuwait, the Security Council agreed to maintain sanctions until inspectors certified Iraq had destroyed illegal weapons.

v. + weapon >>共 625
carry 6.53%
use 6.42%
fire 3.92%
have 3.89%
surrender 2.81%
develop 2.67%
destroy 2.54%
eliminate 2.47%
seize 2.36%
find 2.32%
destroy + n. >>共 1432
house 4.05%
home 3.87%
document 2.68%
building 2.68%
weapon 2.66%
evidence 2.17%
car 1.68%
crop 1.57%
embryo 1.48%
vehicle 1.22%
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