41.   If France deports the immigrants, as it has vowed to do, the world watches by the glare of television lights.

42.   In general, illegal immigrants are deported after a brief prison sentence here.

43.   In Kuala Lumpur, Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad pledged yesterday to continue deporting illegal immigrants despite the incident.

44.   In Italy, Silvio Berlusconi presides over a conservative coalition that includes the fiercely rightist Northern League, which wants jobless immigrants deported.

45.   It wants all North African immigrants deported.

46.   Jagessar was particularly critical of the policy of rounding up and deporting the immigrants within two or three days, often without allowing them to pack any belongings.

47.   Many Mexicans have relatives working north of the border and are infuriated by the new U.S. law that makes it easier to deport illegal immigrants.

48.   Once identified, the immigrants will be deported to their country of origin, police said.

49.   On Thursday, Turkey and Greece signed an agreement allowing Greece to deport illegal immigrants who arrive via Turkey.

50.   Portugal plans a clampdown on immigration, introducing quotas and deporting illegal immigrants, the recently elected conservative government announced Thursday.

v. + immigrant >>共 385
smuggle 3.74%
deport 3.63%
detain 2.87%
hire 2.55%
carry 2.49%
blame 2.33%
help 2.17%
bring 2.06%
keep 1.79%
attract 1.57%
deport + n. >>共 141
immigrant 11.32%
man 5.41%
alien 5.07%
foreigner 4.73%
thousand 4.39%
group 3.38%
people 3.21%
refugee 3.04%
hundred 2.20%
migrant 2.20%
每页显示:    共 67