41.   The first humanitarian aid shipments are expected to arrive in the middle of next week, officials said today, adding that engine trouble delayed earlier deliveries by sea.

42.   The harassment has also delayed the delivery of aid for civilians in rebel-held territory.

43.   The flurry of messages in at least one case caused a systems overload that delayed message delivery to House members for up to two weeks.

44.   The threat of ambushes has delayed the delivery of aid in the week and a half since the Taliban hold on the north was severed.

45.   The Zimbabwe Tobacco Association has urged farmers to delay delivery of their bales until next month in the hope that the violence will ease.

46.   Their debits are accelerated and credits are slow to be recorded, and deliveries are delayed for the protesters, Akky said.

47.   They said they had no option Wednesday other than to say that some deliveries will be delayed as long as flights are suspended.

48.   ValuJet may delay delivery of new jetliners as well.

49.   Papers are flown in from Hong Kong, delaying delivery until mid-afternoon.

50.   A strike by thousands of postal sorters working in trains that carry the mail has delayed delivery across the nation.

v. + delivery >>共 375
make 8.75%
take 8.48%
delay 5.13%
speed 3.08%
halt 2.32%
stop 1.94%
prevent 1.73%
suspend 1.62%
expect 1.62%
block 1.51%
delay + n. >>共 1028
start 3.70%
flight 3.18%
decision 2.89%
vote 2.51%
plan 2.11%
trial 1.86%
action 1.71%
project 1.64%
departure 1.63%
release 1.59%
delivery 1.06%
每页显示:    共 94