41.   Still, the company says its data system will eventually prove successful.

42.   Storage Technology produces large data storage systems, while Network Systems produces computer networking hardware and software.

43.   The company also replaced its home-brewed search engine with search software from Excalibur Technology, which will be coupled with a new Oracle data base management system.

44.   The information arrives not over the Internet, which did not exist when Wal-Mart installed its electronic data system, but over dedicated phone lines.

45.   The Metropolitan Museum of Art only needed a couple of people to run its data systems.

46.   The task for Washington is to protect the integrity of any new data system as vigilantly as it would protect the workplace from illegal immigrants.

47.   They cut deals with major computer makers such as Hewlett-Packard and Silicon Graphics to include Clariion data storage systems with their computers.

48.   They are generally not allowed to perform certain duties, including reconnaissance, intelligence and data systems.

49.   Those two are internal data management systems in the National Imagery and Mapping Agency.

50.   Under the bill, a presidential commission will examine use of the electronic data system to see if it infringes on privacy rights.

n. + system >>共 804
computer 5.46%
school 2.85%
defense 2.63%
missile 2.33%
justice 2.00%
pressure 1.82%
tax 1.74%
security 1.68%
cable 1.60%
control 1.49%
datum 0.23%
datum + n. >>共 495
base 11.30%
recorder 9.12%
service 4.62%
transmission 3.75%
network 3.72%
center 3.08%
storage 2.49%
collection 2.38%
system 2.21%
file 2.01%
每页显示:    共 79