41.   A few years ago, customs officers intercepted groups of four or five illegal aliens.

42.   A customs officer stationed at Nighthawk was sent to federal prison for letting marijuana pass at the remote crossing.

43.   A once bustling rail yard in St. Albans, Vt., used to be staffed by customs officers.

44.   A single customs officer climbed into the exposed space, where he made the horrifying discovery, Knott said.

45.   A single customs officer climbed into the exposed space, where he made the discovery, Knott said.

46.   After finding the money in the train bathroom, customs officers alerted the Secret Service, which is responsible for pursuing counterfeiters.

47.   Bulgarian customs officers simply glance at these overweight specimens.

48.   But congressional critics are likely to ask why customs officers in Azerbaijan were able to stop the shipment when the Russians failed.

49.   But it is also unlikely that the customs officers outside the Karalije have cracked down on fellow Serbs for the benefit of outside observers.

50.   But the need for local customs officers to verify that the objects are leaving the European Union is satisfied by the air tickets and stubs of luggage checks.

n. + officer >>共 349
army 11.71%
security 9.80%
intelligence 5.77%
enforcement 5.74%
law 5.48%
custom 3.27%
liaison 2.04%
duty 2.00%
immigration 1.92%
correction 1.88%
custom + n. >>共 228
official 25.70%
officer 14.77%
agent 7.86%
service 3.16%
inspector 3.04%
procedure 2.65%
authority 2.49%
office 1.82%
department 1.62%
tariff 1.58%
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