41.   Fox has called Zedillo useless in ending a crime wave involving kidnappings, corruption, highway hijackings and drug syndicate shootouts that has terrified Mexicans.

42.   Guatemalans are alarmed by a crime wave, especially a surge in kidnappings targeted against even middle-class shopowners and carried out by former soldiers and guerrillas.

43.   Great Falls, another larger urban area, has also experienced something of a crime wave, with eight homicides last year and seven reported so far this year.

44.   He is a one-man crime wave masquerading as a nationalist hero.

45.   He said he no longer wears a watch to work because he had been robbed several times during a crime wave that Mexicans widely blame on the economy.

46.   If American history is any guide, crime waves are reversible.

47.   In any event, something triggered the far more savage crime wave.

48.   Instead, he conspired to conceal wrongdoing, and in the process he instigated a White House crime wave that eventually destroyed him.

49.   In the midst of this crime wave, Russian prisons have become dangerously overcrowded with ordinary murderers, car thieves and low-level criminals.

50.   Iraqis sometimes accuse poorly paid police officers of being behind the crime wave.

n. + wave >>共 244
crime 28.10%
ocean 7.08%
air 3.54%
tsunami 3.32%
pressure 2.65%
flood 2.54%
merger 2.43%
refugee 1.77%
sea 1.77%
consolidation 1.11%
crime + n. >>共 442
rate 15.50%
scene 14.15%
bill 6.89%
wave 4.70%
victim 3.89%
family 3.37%
statistic 2.37%
prevention 2.26%
syndicate 1.98%
lab 1.70%
每页显示:    共 253