41.   He sits on static phrases, creating tension, then breaks it all with laughing blues melodies.

42.   Housing officials countered that such a policy would create great tensions, giving some tenants pets while barring them for a next-door neighbor.

43.   His choice of colleges, however, created some tension in the Starr household.

44.   I keep the house running and he helps sometimes, and that creates tension at times in a marriage.

45.   Idleness tends to breed more violence among inmates and creates greater tension between them and their guards.

46.   If not, it continues to create tension and polarize cities.

47.   In addition, annual clashes between Catholic nationalist protesters and police during the summer marching season create considerable tension.

48.   In any case, the showing of the tapes has created new tension throughout the Columbine High area.

49.   It also created a tension between the candidate and his party, since they were effectively conducting two campaigns under one banner but the prime ministerial candidate took precedence.

50.   It creates clubhouse tension when one player is treated so much differently from all the others.

v. + tension >>共 395
ease 16.21%
defuse 7.54%
reduce 6.93%
raise 5.55%
heighten 5.47%
create 4.03%
increase 3.73%
escalate 2.29%
cause 2.15%
inflame 1.78%
create + n. >>共 1362
job 5.22%
problem 3.16%
opportunity 1.68%
condition 1.07%
program 0.94%
atmosphere 0.81%
chance 0.78%
tension 0.74%
illusion 0.71%
sense 0.67%
每页显示:    共 198