41.   County employees, attracted to the hoopla, craned their necks to watch from the six floors that overlook the atrium in the county government building.

42.   Craning his neck to the skyline, he consulted with his associate, Brian Aamoth, about permissible zoning heights.

43.   Dad must have craned his neck to make sure we got in safe.

44.   Disappointingly, the boys are concealed from view and the tourists have to crane their necks to catch a glimpse.

45.   Ed Levine moans, craning his neck as the car speeds down Neptune Avenue in Brooklyn.

46.   Even in premium seats, some fans must crane their necks at radical angles to adjust to football sight lines.

47.   Even blase New Yorkers stare at the futuristic coupe from sidewalks or crane their necks from their plain old gasoline-powered cars.

48.   Fans pressed against the Belmont Park paddock rail and craned their necks, searching for the rarest thing in modern thoroughbred racing, which is true greatness.

49.   First-grader Charlie Stroman craned his neck toward the playground while the boy beside him, Addison Baitcher, tried to crack the asylum riddle.

50.   He craned his neck, trying to look down the gangway.

v. + neck >>共 219
crane 16.27%
break 12.23%
stick_out 5.94%
hurt 2.38%
strain 2.38%
injure 2.14%
twist 1.90%
slash 1.90%
snap 1.54%
grab 1.54%
crane + n. >>共 7
neck 87.26%
head 9.55%
ear 0.64%
look 0.64%
mouth 0.64%
nexks 0.64%
stand 0.64%
每页显示:    共 136