41.   Panamanian courts have convicted Noriega in absentia for the killings of the soldiers who attempted the rebellion, including coup leader Maj. Moises Giroldi.

42.   Police Commissioner Isiki Savua told reporters the men planned to hold the group hostage and release them only after the Fiji government freed jailed coup leader, George Speight.

43.   Polls show he maintains a solid lead over his closest rival, Francisco Arias Cardenas, one of the former fellow coup leaders.

44.   Panamanian courts have convicted Noriega in the murders of the soldiers who attempted the rebellion, including coup leader Maj. Moises Giroldi.

45.   Radio and television stations repeatedly played a taped speech by apparent coup leader, Co-Premier Hun Sen.

46.   Pokrovsky said he felt compelled to join Yeltsin in the White House to protect it from the right wing coup leaders.

47.   A day after overthrowing the government, coup leaders opened talks with leaders of political parties Wednesday and invited the imprisoned president to help form a ruling junta.

48.   A day before the French invasion, a civilian alliance that coup leaders had hoped would give their takeover legitimacy collapsed.

49.   A day after overthrowing the government, coup leaders opened talks with political parties Wednesday and invited the imprisoned president to help form a ruling junta.

50.   A fifth coup leader, Gen. Viroj Saengsanit, did not attend.

n. + leader >>共 405
opposition 18.50%
rebel 10.85%
business 9.49%
world 5.93%
community 3.26%
government 3.05%
industry 2.47%
labor 2.27%
team 1.91%
faction 1.86%
coup 1.51%
coup + n. >>共 91
attempt 39.95%
leader 26.41%
plot 9.40%
plotter 7.85%
rumor 2.54%
bid 2.23%
supporter 0.99%
suspect 0.68%
report 0.62%
threat 0.49%
每页显示:    共 425