41.   In this zone, the convention says all countries enjoy a number of freedoms, including that of overflight.

42.   It said even countries currently enjoying surpluses would have to find a way to control rising population and urbanization.

43.   On companies which have failed to remit their contributions during difficult times, he said this was normal as it happened even when the country was enjoying economic growth.

44.   The country also enjoys a higher standard of living and domestic peace than its Central American neighbors.

45.   The country enjoys close links to groups opposed to the ruling Taliban regime and especially to Uzbek Gen. Rashid Dostum of the northern alliance.

46.   The country appeared to be ahead of Poland and the Czech Republic, but now those two countries are enjoying faster growth.

47.   The country enjoys a gigantic budget surplus, which low oil prices could reduce to merely big.

48.   The country had enjoyed a decade of surpluses, and government officials have said they would pay for the deficit out of recent reserves.

49.   The first woman president of Ireland said Tuesday her country should enjoy continued peace and great economic security if U.S. businesses can be convinced to invest in Northern Ireland.

50.   The mountainous country has enjoyed political stability, but there has been minimal economic development.

n. + enjoy >>共 1034
people 4.32%
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company 2.55%
country 2.16%
fan 1.88%
player 1.61%
family 1.55%
kid 1.19%
man 1.11%
team 1.08%
country + v. >>共 779
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