41.   The United States and European countries backed her nomination.

42.   Threatening a pullout, President Jacques Chirac expressed frustration Friday that no countries were backing a French call for armed intervention in Bosnia.

43.   Those five countries backed an alternate resolution on spurring Mideast talks, which made demands on Israel.

44.   -They undercut the argument that Western countries must back Milosevic because he is critical to keep Bosnian Serbs in line and implement the Dayton peace agreement for Bosnia.

45.   Toubon said some countries backed his bid to put teeth in the system but it was not known which they may be.

46.   U.N. diplomats speculated that African and Latin American countries backed Portugal because of its links to both continents.

47.   U.S. officials have said they still hope EU member countries will back the motion.

48.   Wealthy countries back financial reforms.

49.   Velayati denied that his country backs Islamic extremist movements in Egypt, Algeria or elsewhere.

50.   French President Jacques Chirac appeared to signal that his country would back Boutros-Ghali, a frequent visitor to Paris, in a comment earlier this week.

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