41.   Gomersall said the council had also agreed to wait until Annan submits recommendations next month before deciding whether to allow Iraq to sell more oil.

42.   In another decision, the council agreed to introduce decathlon as an event for women.

43.   In confirming him, the council agreed to give preference to Africans so the continent could hold the post for two terms, as has been U.N. tradition.

44.   In its resolution, the council agreed to meet later to decide whether to increase the authority of the international police to make arrests or carry out investigations.

45.   Instead, the council agreed Thursday to send its president, Alfredo Lopes Cabral of Guinea-Bissau, to convey the message to Boutros-Ghali.

46.   Instead, the council agreed to send its president, Alfredo Lopes Cabral of Guinea-Bissau, to convey the message to Boutros-Ghali.

47.   It was unclear whether the council would agree that the compromise formula is enough to satisfy its conditions for allowing Iraqi oil sales.

48.   It was only about a month ago, when Yantra was charged with cavorting with prostitutes abroad, that the council agreed to rule on the case.

49.   Last week, the council agreed to maintain its sanctions against Iraq.

50.   Last year, the council agreed to allow Iraq to make limited sales to alleviate the suffering caused by the sanctions.

n. + agree >>共 541
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minister 1.82%
council 0.48%
council + v. >>共 635
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meet 3.08%
approve 2.25%
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take 1.94%
agree 1.92%
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