41.   The Belaniches say that changing the name would cost tens of thousands of dollars in new stationery, repainted police and fire department cars and village seals.

42.   The care and feeding of the more than one million Rwandans who fled to Zaire and Tanzania is costing tens of millions of dollars.

43.   The companies have waged a vigorous public relations battle that featured many full-page newspaper advertisements and cost tens of millions of dollars.

44.   The coalition is financed by restaurant owners, grocers and farmers who warn passage of the measure could cost tens of thousands of jobs.

45.   The delay benefits electric utilities, which have long complained that federal air quality rules will cost them tens of billions of dollars over the next decade or so.

46.   The Hanford contract, which involves solidifying liquid nuclear wastes in glass, is expected to take decades and cost tens of billions of dollars.

47.   The fight has dragged on for more than a decade, costing tens of millions of dollars in legal fees, scientific studies and planning reviews.

48.   The inventory glut cost Digital tens of millions of dollars over the next few months as it discovered similar practices had occurred in other parts of the company.

49.   The new effort is expected to take several years and cost tens of millions of dollars, but changes could take effect before the plan is finished.

50.   The plan would cost tens of billions of dollars and include annual testing of schoolchildren from the third- through eighth-grades.

v. + ten >>共 416
spend 4.62%
kill 4.43%
cost 4.38%
send 3.02%
draw 2.69%
lose 2.45%
keep 2.40%
have 2.36%
bar 2.22%
attract 1.89%
cost + n. >>共 402
money 10.63%
million 8.72%
hundred 7.53%
thousand 5.50%
job 4.90%
billion 4.57%
lot 4.42%
ten 3.48%
life 3.29%
company 2.21%
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