41.   Higher costs force people into substandard housing, Voorhoeve said.

42.   In December, inflation remained tame as high interest costs forced manufacturers and retailers to flood the market with their inventories to raise cash.

43.   McClellan said fuel costs are forcing him to sell his truck and switch jobs.

44.   McClellan said high fuel costs may force him to sell his truck and switch jobs.

45.   She said increasing special education and building costs are forcing many districts to ask for significant budget increases.

46.   Soaring business costs have forced the Russian Central and East European Bookshop, which Radosavljevic manages, to close.

47.   War costs also forced Saudi Arabia to borrow on world markets for the first time.

48.   The high costs have forced many national men to seek foreign wives from India, Egypt and other countries for lower dowries.

49.   The high production costs in turn force exporters to mark up, making their products more expensive in overseas markets and losing their price edge against competitors.

n. + force >>共 1720
injury 2.67%
weather 1.92%
government 1.89%
problem 1.57%
rain 1.53%
police 1.46%
pressure 1.36%
crisis 1.25%
competition 0.96%
law 0.93%
cost 0.60%
cost + v. >>共 410
be 39.66%
rise 6.70%
increase 2.12%
go 2.03%
fall 2.01%
remain 1.70%
continue 1.65%
soar 1.49%
include 1.49%
make 1.39%
force 0.89%
每页显示:    共 49