41.   The technical challenge is to do so in a way that protects copyright holders and foils the many audio pirates who copy and distribute digital music illegally.

42.   The song has made millions for its copyright holders, as have other hits that became part of the culture.

43.   The use of copyrighted material for those purposes is directly negotiated between the copyright holder and the company.

44.   Their idea is that copyright holders would be obligated to notify online service providers when they become aware of a copyright infringement.

45.   They believe they have found a more potent weapon in a law that says copyright holders can prohibit unauthorized imports of copyrighted goods.

46.   This has heightened anxiety among copyright holders, who fear they will lose control of their creative vision.

47.   Under the law, duplicating software is illegal unless a company has express written permission from the copyright holder.

48.   Under current copyright law this rule means a copyright holder controls only the first sale of his or her work to the public.

49.   Under federal and international copyright law, the copyright holder has exclusive rights over the original and any derivative work, including translations, dramatizations and adaptations.

50.   Viant Corp. takes a broad look at audio and video on the Internet and suggests ways copyright holders can protect themselves.

a. + holder >>共 196
record 24.46%
copyright 8.19%
patent 5.60%
current 5.17%
largest 3.99%
major 2.37%
institutional 2.37%
foreign 2.26%
stock 2.16%
big 2.16%
copyright + n. >>共 164
law 21.32%
infringement 15.97%
protection 11.86%
piracy 5.99%
violation 5.75%
holder 4.46%
owner 2.52%
issue 2.29%
office 1.29%
agreement 1.00%
每页显示:    共 76