41.   The Sunday Mirror was found guilty of contempt for running an interview with the father of the assault victim while the trial jury was considering its verdicts.

42.   The trial continues on Wenesday when the jury is expected to retire to consider its verdict.

43.   Jury has retired to consider verdicts.

44.   Judges will then retire to consider their verdict.

45.   Judges in the case of three British soldiers accused of battering to death a Danish tour guide in Cyprus, retired Monday to consider their verdict.

46.   Jurors are not allowed to have contact with the outside once they have heard all the evidence and have started to consider their verdict.

47.   Lord Justice Phillips announced Tuesday that he planned to sum up proceedings next week before the jury retired to consider their verdicts.

48.   Phillips is expected to continue his review of the trial until early next week, when the jury will retire to consider its verdict.

49.   The jury in the trial of three footballers accused of fixing matches will return to consider their verdicts on Tuesday after failing to reach a decision here on Monday.

50.   The judge is expected to complete his summimg up on Friday and then send out the jury to consider their verdicts on Monday.

v. + verdict >>共 247
appeal 11.61%
reach 11.08%
read 8.49%
announce 6.98%
expect 6.84%
deliver 4.71%
overturn 3.75%
issue 3.26%
return 3.17%
hear 2.41%
consider 1.60%
consider + n. >>共 1200
option 2.65%
possibility 2.40%
proposal 2.04%
case 1.98%
action 1.95%
appeal 1.95%
request 1.95%
issue 1.57%
change 1.49%
bill 1.33%
verdict 0.37%
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