41.   In an interview later, Young considered the question of whether appearing at the news conference would force his recusal from future insurance cases.

42.   In neither of those cases, however, did any party ask that Southland be overruled, and it was therefore not necessary to consider the question.

43.   In the case before it, Breyer wrote, the court did not have to consider broader questions that were not presented by the case.

44.   Instead, a lower court will review individual cases to consider procedural questions that will determine the size of the refund.

45.   Irabu often hums softly when considering questions about his pitching.

46.   It is important to consider questions of ethics and morality.

47.   It was a meeting at which the authors could consider the question of whether there are questions that are unanswerable, in principle.

48.   It is possible the Florida appeals court will consider that question.

49.   Jackson also postponed a decision on whether to revoke existing credit union memberships and is not likely to consider that question until December at the earliest.

50.   Japan has not seriously considered these questions.

v. + question >>共 409
answer 24.53%
raise 18.15%
ask 13.93%
have 3.07%
take 2.65%
refer 2.38%
pose 1.81%
face 1.72%
address 1.64%
field 1.37%
consider 0.58%
consider + n. >>共 1200
option 2.65%
possibility 2.40%
proposal 2.04%
case 1.98%
action 1.95%
appeal 1.95%
request 1.95%
issue 1.57%
change 1.49%
bill 1.33%
question 0.78%
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