41.   He may no longer be considered at the vanguard, but his design approach is avant-garde at its core.

42.   He said the company had previously received a letter from the exchange saying its request would be considered at a meeting of the exchange board on Monday.

43.   Heterosexuals in the survey may have delayed testing because they did not consider themselves at risk for the disease, Kerndt said.

44.   His idea, competency assessment, was considered radical at the time but has become a standard tool in many corporations.

45.   His supporters were devastated because Kemp was considered at the time to be one of the few serious challengers Dole might have for the nomination.

46.   Hyacinth and blue macaws and red-crowned Amazons are among other birds considered at great risk from the pet trade.

47.   If progress is best measured in tiny steps, then what happened at Alumni Stadium Thursday night must be considered significant at the very least.

48.   I know that the question of political reforms was considered at a closed session of the recent Congress of the Chinese Communist Party.

49.   In Jerusalem, considered at risk, many Israelis are staying away from downtown.

50.   In response, Iacocca sent additional information to the board to consider at its monthly meeting held Thursday.

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