41.   Investors were also concerned by a resumption of strikes in the French public transit systems.

42.   Some foreign investors have been concerned by the rising tide of nationalism in Beijing rhetoric.

v. + investor >>共 654
attract 10.79%
lure 4.63%
say 2.73%
reassure 2.42%
draw 2.36%
discourage 2.22%
keep 2.16%
disappoint 2.00%
protect 1.86%
encourage 1.83%
concern 0.62%
concern + n. >>共 1271
government 1.99%
investor 1.30%
group 1.02%
official 0.96%
issue 0.93%
administration 0.90%
people 0.87%
matter 0.81%
case 0.78%
sale 0.75%
每页显示:    共 42