41.   The task was also complicated by the marching order that they use local workers, contractors and materials.

42.   The task is complicated by the design of the Games.

43.   The task was complicated by the lack of significant intelligence on the ground and the primitive nature of many of the targets.

44.   The uncertainty also complicates the task of negotiators from around the world as they struggle to determine how much and how rapidly greenhouse gas emissions should be cut.

45.   The Vallone effort could harden the negotiating process on Yankee Stadium and complicate the task of keeping the team in New York City.

46.   Their task was complicated by the fact that many students may be away on vacation.

47.   Wide variations in the amount and accuracy of the records can complicate the task.

48.   And the KLA, which appears to have no plans to lay down its arms, is badly complicating their task, as the mine takeover shows.

49.   But the Internet has spread the reach of the greedy and complicated the task of regulators.

50.   Continuing warm weather and lack of snow in much of Europe complicates the task.

v. + task >>共 297
perform 13.94%
complete 8.22%
have 5.48%
accomplish 4.96%
do 4.77%
face 4.11%
handle 3.92%
complicate 3.21%
begin 2.60%
finish 2.36%
complicate + n. >>共 369
matter 16.94%
effort 9.59%
situation 5.55%
issue 4.37%
thing 4.08%
task 3.23%
negotiation 2.80%
picture 2.66%
life 2.18%
process 1.99%
每页显示:    共 68