41.   And he says he does not think that overseas markets will grow as much as the start-up companies expect.

42.   And the positive readings indexes mean more companies surveyed expect an increase in business than those expecting business to slow.

43.   And while many companies expect sales to slow during the April-June quarter, many offered better-than-expected pay increases during recent wage negotiations.

44.   And yesterday, a National Association of Manufacturers survey showed many companies expect prices to hold steady or fall.

45.   And the company expects sales to that customer to decline, according to company filings.

46.   And while many companies expect sales to slow during the April-June quarter, many offered better-than-expected pay increases during the spring wage negotiations.

47.   And, he said, the company expected that the replacement substance, DINP, would cause tumors in rats, and it did.

48.   Antitrust regulators must approve the venture before it can proceed, but the company expects to be operational within several weeks.

49.   AOL spokeswoman Margaret Ryan said the company expects to make a formal announcement regarding it and a browser for Macintosh users this week .

n. + expect >>共 639
analyst 17.66%
company 7.40%
investor 4.77%
official 4.58%
trader 3.97%
economist 3.50%
people 3.34%
government 1.78%
expert 1.70%
observer 1.64%
company + v. >>共 706
say 10.43%
be 8.93%
have 5.81%
make 2.11%
plan 1.80%
announce 1.17%
use 1.16%
offer 1.13%
sell 1.08%
try 0.97%
expect 0.91%
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