41.   Under the Republicans, Senate committees properly investigated the influence of campaign contributions on various Clinton administration policies.

42.   What is new is that the committee has never investigated a case of sexual misconduct before.

43.   With ENRON-PANELS -- Which committees are investigating what.

44.   A companion Republican-run committee is investigating Whitewater in the Senate.

45.   A dozen congressional committees are investigating the Houston-based energy-trading company, as are the Securities and Exchange Commission and the Justice Department.

46.   A committee was investigating, Chalupa said.

47.   A congressional committee is investigating.

48.   A dozen committees are investigating Enron, along with the Justice Department and Securities and Exchange Commission.

49.   A jury committee is investigating.

50.   A German parliamentary committee is investigating claims that the Munich case was instigated by two Madrid-based agents of the BND.

n. + investigate >>共 333
police 29.92%
authority 11.77%
official 8.92%
prosecutor 5.44%
government 3.92%
commission 3.35%
agency 2.37%
committee 1.97%
department 1.45%
detective 1.32%
committee + v. >>共 854
be 7.70%
say 4.91%
meet 4.36%
have 3.75%
approve 2.60%
recommend 2.45%
decide 2.34%
vote 1.78%
make 1.71%
hold 1.51%
investigate 1.14%
每页显示:    共 106