41.   But no party is expected to win an outright majority in Parliament, and a governing coalition will have to be formed.

42.   But the ruling coalition has a majority in the Parliament.

43.   Control of the region is considered crucial to any plans the opposition coalition may have to retake the capital.

44.   Djindjic said the candidacy was premature since the coalition first has to decide whether it would take part in the elections at all.

45.   His coalition has solid control of Congress, passing its legislation at will over a virtually helpless opposition.

46.   His conservative coalition has the votes to override most expected challenges to the plan by the upper house, or Bundesrat, dominated by the leftist Social Democrats.

47.   His conservative coalition has the votes to override most expected challenges to the plan by the upper house, or Bundesrat, which the main opposition Social Democrats dominate.

48.   His conservative coalition has the votes to override expected challenges to the plan by the upper house, or Bundesrat, which the main opposition Social Democrats dominate.

49.   However, the coalition has few definite proposals, mainly calling for studies of various options.

50.   His coalition had to concede important parliamentary positions to the opposition.

n. + have >>共 1318
company 3.47%
government 1.92%
team 1.89%
people 1.78%
country 1.14%
state 0.96%
official 0.95%
man 0.88%
player 0.88%
woman 0.87%
coalition 0.06%
coalition + v. >>共 453
be 11.23%
say 5.40%
have 5.40%
include 3.35%
win 2.39%
hold 1.96%
collapse 1.78%
fall 1.78%
want 1.65%
take 1.18%
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