41.   In May, Emergency closed its hospital in Kabul after the Taliban religious police raided it and accused male and female staff of eating in the same dining room.

42.   Quebec plans to close some hospitals.

43.   The hospital is being closed because of government policy to promote care in the community for mental patients.

44.   The hospital was closed and other hospitals in the city were alerted to take precautions and report any suspicions.

45.   The hospital was closed Saturday to all but emergency admissions following the rapid spread of the virus.

46.   The hospital was closed to reporters.

47.   The hospital was closed to the public part of the morning Saturday.

48.   The hospital was closed to the public.

49.   The hospital was closed to patients Tuesday, and workers were taken elsewhere for testing.

50.   The prosecution said it would also prove that Gerald Ntakirutimana closed the hospital to deny Tutsis from getting treatment, Adeogun-Philips said.

v. + hospital >>共 422
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include 1.36%
close + n. >>共 625
market 11.40%
door 5.73%
eye 5.34%
gap 3.72%
school 3.27%
office 3.14%
border 2.68%
airport 2.29%
road 2.16%
plant 2.04%
hospital 0.34%
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