41.   The patent also sweepingly claims rights on any beans derived from future crossings of enolas, including hybrids devised from enolas and other beans.

42.   The Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. was not the first civil-rights leader to be assassinated for standing up and claiming the rights of a free man.

43.   The proof is they are fighting us every step of the way as we try to claim our rights.

44.   The ruling applied to immigrants who arrived in Hong Kong after the first court decision, and claimed a right to residency under it.

45.   The suit was filed by a subsidiary of Giant Group Ltd., which claims the right to participate in the marketing and distribution of the controversial drug.

46.   The settlements have been a major sticking point in the peace process for Palestinians who charge that Israel is illegally claiming rights to land outside its sovereignty.

47.   The tribes claim treaty rights to hunt the animals.

48.   The U.S. could also prevent overseas investors who are operating in areas where property rights are claimed by U.S. citizens from travelling in the U.S.

49.   There is also a danger, some argue, in Americans preventing others from doing what Americans claim a right to do.

50.   They claim tribal rights through treaties to resume an ancient tradition.

v. + right >>共 447
have 32.77%
reserve 3.29%
protect 2.51%
violate 2.22%
support 2.05%
win 1.88%
retain 1.82%
exercise 1.68%
waive 1.51%
defend 1.38%
claim 0.78%
claim + n. >>共 531
responsibility 36.18%
victory 5.67%
life 3.63%
sovereignty 2.41%
credit 2.35%
attack 2.30%
success 1.26%
island 1.15%
right 1.14%
victim 1.10%
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