41.   The Tufts graduate has been circling the globe in dramatic rescue efforts.

42.   Then, under a series of eight owners, the vessel circled the globe to great fanfare.

43.   They point to centers of religious, racial, political and ethnic strife circling the globe.

44.   Though he has circled the globe in both directions, Cronkite said that in recent years, the feat had lost some of its romance.

45.   This anecdote has circled the globe many times by e-mail.

46.   Unlike influenza strains, which circle the globe annually, different types of polio tend to circulate in specific regions.

47.   Welcome to the electronic pulpit, down-loaded Bibles and prayer groups that circle the globe.

48.   While he and his crew circled the globe, there was a major fire, serious oxygen failures, and several problems with the power supply system.

49.   Working nonstop, the giant shovels tore away the earth, filling enough railroad cars to circle the globe several times.

v. + globe >>共 91
circle 27.10%
circumnavigate 10.57%
travel 10.30%
span 8.40%
scour 3.52%
crisscross 2.71%
sweep 1.90%
cover 1.36%
roam 1.36%
search 1.36%
circle + n. >>共 294
globe 10.42%
wagon 7.29%
world 5.63%
base 5.42%
area 3.13%
airport 2.40%
city 2.08%
track 1.88%
building 1.56%
house 1.25%
每页显示:    共 99