41.   Gory color photographs of stained teeth or diseased lungs could soon be splashed across cigarette packs in Europe as part of tough new legislation on tobacco marketing adopted Tuesday.

42.   However, the EU assembly rejected a call for cigarette packs to show photos of smoke-stained teeth, scarred lungs or young children imitating smoking adults.

43.   It also curbs cigarette advertising and makes health warnings on cigarette packs compulsory.

44.   Meanwhile, a British parliamentary committee urged that tougher health warnings be required on cigarette packs, including messages that smoking can make men less potent.

45.   Myers said the FDA also should have the authority to move the labels to a more prominent position on cigarette packs.

46.   One miniature painting at the Royal College is done on the bottom of a cigarette pack and another is on a cardboard lid.

47.   She led police back to the scene of her assault, where investigators found a cigarette pack believed to have been left by the victim.

48.   Starting next June, cigarette packs and ads for tobacco products must display warnings about the health risks, the government said Wednesday.

49.   Tar and nicotine content must also be printed on cigarette packs.

50.   Thailand is one of the few countries where cigarette packs carry an extra warning stating that smoking can harm sex life.

n. + pack >>共 221
battery 14.89%
cigarette 9.73%
fanny 8.81%
jet 4.26%
day 2.89%
information 2.58%
snow 2.28%
medium 2.28%
heat 2.13%
gift 1.82%
cigarette + n. >>共 251
maker 16.98%
company 9.35%
smoke 6.69%
smoking 4.64%
butt 4.61%
tax 4.45%
advertising 3.88%
manufacturer 3.84%
sale 2.72%
price 2.24%
pack 2.05%
每页显示:    共 64