41.   Critics say it is overly broad, covering everything from child pornography to profanity, and may be unconstitutional.

42.   Darren Balzarini pleaded not guilty in Suffolk Superior Court to one charge of disseminating child pornography and one charge of possessing child pornography with intent to distribute.

43.   Courts have previously upheld laws prohibiting the possession of child pornography on the basis that it provided a market that exploits children.

44.   Deputy Solicitor General Paul Clement told the court that even if actual children are not involved, child pornography increases the activities of molesters and pedophiles.

45.   During Project Looking Glass, the U.S. Customs and the U.S. Postal Service became the major distributor of child pornography in this country.

46.   During the search Sammons was interviewed by Gannon and said he had traded child pornography via America Online with individuals.

47.   Even so, determined individuals can get around the safeguards, as evidenced by the appearance earlier this year of child pornography on the America Online service.

48.   Federal authorities have invaded cyberspace to investigate child pornography and molestation.

49.   Federal law specifically bans the possession of child pornography, while state statutes are less precise, the sources said.

50.   Finally, the officials were nudged to begin enforcing existing law and to seek stronger laws, such as one that made possession of child pornography a crime.

n. + pornography >>共 11
child 96.72%
computer 1.23%
crime 0.41%
amendment 0.20%
cyber 0.20%
example 0.20%
internet 0.20%
kiddie 0.20%
mass-circulation 0.20%
quasi-kiddie 0.20%
child + n. >>共 903
care 12.25%
abuse 10.58%
pornography 5.69%
support 5.22%
molester 2.01%
prostitution 1.84%
soldier 1.66%
labour 1.55%
case 1.45%
seat 1.41%
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