41.   Pandurang Nayak, chief architect for Stratify Inc., which uses pattern-matching technology to manage data in various kinds of files.

42.   Ahtisaari and U.S. Deputy Secretary Strobe Talbott, the American chief architect of the plan, were meeting Friday, in Helsinki, Finland.

43.   Ahtisaari and U.S. Deputy Secretary Strobe Talbott, the American chief architect of the plan, were to meet Friday, in Helsinki, Finland.

44.   Ahtisaari, Chernomyrdin and U.S. Deputy Secretary Strobe Talbott, the American chief architect of the plan, were to meet Friday, in Helsinki, Finland.

45.   But Cheney, chief architect of the administration energy plan released last week, said capping prices would not increase energy supplies or reduce demand.

46.   Daley planned to see Prime Minister Rafik Hariri, chief architect of the program.

47.   Gallucci, the chief architect of the nuclear deal, said Wednesday he believes the negotiations will eventually end in success.

48.   Francis Turner, a one-time federal highway administrator who advised President Eisenhower on the national interstate system and was considered its chief architect, has died.

49.   He traveled to the right-wing Afrikaner enclave of Oranje to talk with the widow of former Prime Minister Hendrik Verwoerd, the chief architect of apartheid.

50.   Holbrooke, a chief architect of the Bosnian peace plan, has returned to the Balkans from retirement this week to pressure Karadzic to step down.

a. + architect >>共 341
chief 5.82%
american 3.70%
french 3.09%
young 2.82%
modern 2.65%
key 2.56%
principal 2.20%
local 2.12%
italian 2.03%
main 2.03%
chief + n. >>共 577
economist 6.02%
negotiator 6.01%
minister 5.06%
prosecutor 5.05%
officer 3.12%
investment 2.12%
rival 1.95%
inspector 1.79%
judge 1.77%
spokesman 1.69%
architect 0.61%
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