41.   The four are charged with belonging to the outlawed Kurdish guerilla group.

42.   The four have been charged with intimidating bus drivers at a labor meeting in January.

43.   The four were charged with making payments to sokaiya through a resort operator suspected of having links with racketeers.

44.   The four are charged with numerous counts of drug trafficking and money laundering.

45.   The four are variously charged with beating administred to Omarska prisoners.

46.   The four were charged for waving a banner of the outlawed Kurdish rebel group PKK during a party congress earlier this month.

47.   The four were charged two weeks ago in a conspiracy to help Sheik Omar Abdel-Rahman communicate with the Islamic Group, an Egyptian-based terrorist organization.

48.   The four were never charged in the case, but their names were mentioned in diaries that allegedly listed powerful people who received payoffs.

49.   The four were also charged with giving illegal profits to a corporate racketeer.

50.   The four were charged with aggravated assault and abuse of power.

v. + four >>共 402
kill 5.43%
have 4.63%
arrest 4.36%
strike_out 4.04%
charge 3.30%
include 3.24%
injure 2.77%
take 2.71%
wound 2.66%
win 2.61%
charge + n. >>共 1052
man 7.68%
fee 7.39%
people 2.97%
price 2.71%
suspect 2.25%
officer 1.84%
customer 1.74%
defendant 1.57%
three 1.54%
company 1.50%
four 0.93%
每页显示:    共 62