41.   Although he has cast his shadow over Silicon Valley, Shugart does not consider himself part of that lifestyle.

42.   Amid so much derivative art, these achievements cast long shadows.

43.   Although the gangsters tend to restrict their attacks to each other or to the Portuguese authorities, their mere presence casts a shadow.

44.   And now Utah comes onto the court, casting long shadows through the key.

45.   As always in the Middle East, the malign power of history casts its shadow far into the future.

46.   As dusk cast shadows down the dusty asphalt road, a flurry of phone calls rang in the police station.

47.   As the sun dips into the Mediterranean, casting long shadows in Kfar Chabad, Katia plays on the jungle gym outside.

48.   As they have a way of doing at reunions, unfulfilled dreams cast shadows over the nostalgia.

49.   As the sun streams in through a Venetian blind, casting shadows on a Kennedy seemingly lost in thought, his wife quietly reads a magazine.

50.   Audiences and critics wore their palms out applauding, and the new Disney cast its shadow across the globe.

v. + shadow >>共 133
cast 54.51%
see 9.30%
throw 3.52%
escape 2.39%
have 1.69%
create 1.41%
chase 1.13%
add 0.70%
prefer 0.70%
send 0.70%
cast + n. >>共 571
ballot 25.52%
vote 15.37%
doubt 14.11%
shadow 7.40%
pall 3.02%
spell 1.80%
eye 1.62%
cloud 1.34%
lot 1.30%
light 1.28%
每页显示:    共 385