41.   Moynihan would also tighten eligibility for another type of cash assistance, Supplemental Security Income, by excluding children who now receive payments because of behavioral problems.

42.   Once the Depression struck, many of the state programs went bankrupt -- driving President Roosevelt to push a federal program of cash assistance through Congress.

43.   Participants said they agreed that welfare recipients should be required to work and that there should be a time limit on payment of cash assistance.

44.   Other state programs exceeding projected costs include temporary welfare cash assistance, mental health services and prescription drug assistance for the elderly.

45.   People convicted of drug felonies may generally not receive cash assistance.

46.   Poor people now entitled to cash assistance would not necessarily receive it in the future.

47.   People who no longer qualify for cash assistance need to be informed that they are still probably eligible for Medicaid and should sign up for it.

48.   Republicans would set annual limits on spending for cash assistance to poor people.

49.   Requiring single mothers to work as a condition of receiving cash assistance did not hurt their children, as many people had feared, the study said.

50.   Republicans remained divided over whether to make the measure even tougher by including a ban on cash assistance for unwed teen-age mothers.

n. + assistance >>共 253
government 18.45%
cash 8.01%
development 7.87%
food 6.65%
directory 5.58%
disaster 3.79%
relief 2.15%
job 1.36%
tuition 1.36%
security 1.22%
cash + n. >>共 423
payment 6.12%
market 5.80%
reserve 3.74%
prize 2.90%
assistance 2.78%
crunch 2.60%
benefit 2.43%
infusion 2.33%
shortage 2.13%
bonus 1.88%
每页显示:    共 111