41.   It was a time when each bitterly fought case became an important precedent for those that followed.

42.   Jackson kills her tormentors and his case becomes a powder keg, attracting everyone from the KKK to the NAACP.

43.   Leibowitz said the final decision to continue nursing help would have been made even if the case had not become a presidential campaign issue.

44.   One case became a Great American Mystery, the other a forensic footnote.

45.   One reason the private cases could become a major problem for Microsoft is that most seek to be certified as class actions representing thousands of plaintiffs.

46.   Only a handful of appeals have gone into the courts, where the cases become public.

47.   Parks acknowledged that the Irvin case has become one of concern within the department.

48.   Police searching for a woman whose four small children were left unattended for days in their filthy apartment say such cases are becoming distressingly frequent.

49.   Still, the case has become something of a legal and media circus.

50.   Such cases are becoming common in the Bradford area in northern England.

n. + become >>共 1789
people 1.19%
company 1.07%
issue 0.77%
bill 0.69%
game 0.65%
situation 0.62%
woman 0.61%
life 0.60%
country 0.58%
child 0.56%
case 0.46%
case + v. >>共 490
be 35.93%
go 4.97%
involve 3.89%
have 2.70%
pend 2.09%
come 2.05%
raise 1.18%
remain 1.14%
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take 1.02%
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