41.   The court said the sentence would be carried out after the baby is born.

42.   The corruption charges carry sentences of up to life in prison.

43.   The charges against Schweitzer, obstruction of justice and conspiracy to obstruct justice, carried maximum sentences of five years.

44.   The first-degree murder charge, triggered by the intentional killing of more than one person, carries a sentence of life in prison without the possibility of parole.

45.   The first charge carries a sentence of life in prison, while the others carry prison terms of ten years.

46.   The judge mandated that the sentence be carried out as soon as Adama is weaned.

47.   The jury acquitted him of first-degree murder charges, which carried a sentence of life imprisonment without parole.

48.   The jurors interviewed said they have no special plans for the day the sentence is carried out.

49.   The most serious charges carry sentences of several years in prison upon conviction, she said.

50.   The sentence was never carried out.

v. + sentence >>共 425
serve 13.93%
commute 6.60%
appeal 6.05%
receive 5.39%
reduce 5.17%
carry 4.46%
impose 3.71%
face 3.01%
pass 2.63%
suspend 2.52%
carry + n. >>共 1230
attack 2.62%
weapon 2.35%
gun 2.12%
weight 1.74%
risk 1.32%
message 1.01%
test 1.01%
sentence 0.93%
passenger 0.93%
report 0.86%
每页显示:    共 248