41.   The Mirror Magazine, of which Mr Tsui is editor-in-chief, carried another article in its February issue strongly criticising RTHK.

42.   The newspaper carried articles criticizing Flores, and workers would distribute it for free in San Luis Rio Colorado, Tavares said.

43.   The new section will carry articles on personal investing, travel, health and family.

44.   The publication will carry articles from the Financial Times but will be written, designed and published specifically for readers in Germany, Austria and Switzerland.

45.   The state-run press has carried articles each day claiming that hundreds of NLD members have resigned and party branches in outlying areas have been closed.

46.   The Vatican newspaper, meanwhile, carried an article encouraging a suggestion to beatify a slain priest and others who stood up to the Mafia.

47.   In their issues of last week, Newsweek and Time carried articles which alleged that Moi had embarked on a systematic campaign to suppress democracy and the opposition.

48.   It also carried articles from the US-based Jiddish newspaper Vorwarts.

49.   The prosecution said the magazine carried articles calling on political parties to nominate candidates other than President Suharto and challenge the president to a direct democratic election.

50.   Since returning to the Gaza Strip a year ago, PLO chairman Yasser Arafat has regularly prevented distribution of Arabic newspapers carrying critical articles.

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