41.   Tangled dry brush and steep canyon walls kept firefighters guessing all day, though the fire had caused no injuries and claimed no buildings by late Wednesday.

42.   The big media opportunity here was to watch her look at a replica of a canyon wall.

43.   The canyon walls would have claimed that can.

44.   The canyon walls began pressing in on the trail.

45.   The concrete canyon walls also should make for some busted-up World Sports Cars.

46.   The couple broke camp and drove down as the smoke plume, its base hidden behind the canyon walls, grew.

47.   The four-lane bridge will be bolted directly into the canyon walls.

48.   The evidence shows depressions in the Martian surface that could have been made by water oozing out of the ground or flowing from a canyon wall.

49.   The geologists are especially interested in mapping the faults and fissures in the canyon walls.

50.   The golden canyon walls were a blur and every twist in the trail felt like a hairpin turn in a Grand Prix race.

n. + wall >>共 656
brick 10.85%
left-field 3.14%
office 2.90%
prison 2.84%
right-field 2.68%
bedroom 2.02%
center-field 1.89%
canyon 1.73%
plaster 1.73%
city 1.65%
canyon + n. >>共 70
wall 32.34%
rim 7.46%
floor 5.97%
country 4.48%
road 3.48%
bottom 2.99%
wind 2.99%
trail 1.99%
area 1.49%
region 1.49%
每页显示:    共 65