41.   So that was why I canceled my goose order at the supermarket this year, and we had turkey.

42.   Still, several early-morning shuttles to Boston and Washington were canceled at La Guardia Tuesday and did not resume until midday.

43.   The charges stem from a multimillion-dollar purchase of Grand Technologies products by Turbodyne last year that Turbodyne canceled at the last minute.

44.   The game was so horrible, it should have been canceled at halftime.

45.   The plans were canceled at the last minute.

46.   The religious leaders prevailed, and the dance troupe chose to cancel at the last minute.

47.   They set up an interview, but canceled it at the last minute, and then canceled two later interviews.

48.   Those talks were canceled at the last moment.

49.   Train service between New York and Albany was canceled at midday Monday because of snowdrifts and problems with signals and switches, Remington said.

50.   Weddings and funerals were missed, honeymoons shattered, business trips canceled at the gate.

v. + at >>共 990
speak 2.35%
hold 2.19%
be 2.14%
say 1.77%
stay 1.61%
meet 1.58%
stop 1.50%
appear 1.42%
remain 1.34%
sit 1.33%
cancel 0.11%
cancel + p. >>共 59
because_of 21.84%
at 12.36%
for 12.15%
in 11.71%
after 9.54%
on 5.78%
as 2.75%
without 2.68%
with 2.24%
until 2.10%
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