41.   He did what he could to make each moment special, under the circumstances.

42.   He has sold everything he can to make ends meet.

43.   He vows to do what he can to make future generations remember that the community was once the hay capital of the world.

44.   He wants guys to take extra BP, do everything they can to make it to the major leagues.

45.   I can only do what I can to make the best record I can make.

46.   I have done what I can to make my peace with my place.

47.   I tried to do everything I could to make the fans happy.

48.   I wanted to do everything I could to make the music I love accessible, gettable to the public.

49.   I was kind of raised on public service and doing what we could to make a positive difference.

50.   If nothing else, moviegoers coming out of this film should be ready to do everything they can to make their government join the treaty banning such diabolic weapons.

v. + make >>共 1093
use 22.37%
do 5.23%
work 3.50%
be 3.16%
can 1.99%
combine 1.78%
say 1.46%
will 1.11%
check 1.05%
fight 0.86%
can + v. >>共 535
help 9.67%
make 4.88%
keep 4.18%
get 3.75%
prevent 2.96%
avoid 2.35%
become 2.16%
ensure 1.83%
stop 1.74%
protect 1.55%
每页显示:    共 103